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BeautiqueBeautique Beauty Salon, Newquay, Cornwall.

Opening Hours:-

Monday10.00 - 19.00
Tuesday09.00 - 17.00
Wednesday10.00 - 20.00
Thursday10.00 - 20.00
Friday09.00 - 18.00
Satday09.00 - 16.00
Bank Holiday Monday's Closed

The Old Grammar School

Tel: 01637 851500
Email: info@beautique-uk.com

Anti wrinkle Injections

Anti wrinkle Injections

First time Anti wrinkle client and we are super impressed with her natural results.

 The videos below are taken in exactly the same position two weeks apart. First video is raising the brows second frowning, we have also created a brow lift. 

Not only have we had the results of less wrinkles, the skin also looks fresh and significantly more clear due to the effect that btx has on the pores by giving them a closed appearance the skin looks refined and tighter.

 Our aesthetic provider has over 5 years experience and specialises in the natural look, performed artistically to suit YOUR face.

Good anti wrinkle treatments are natural, allow your face to move slightly and gives you a rested, refreshed look.

💉 A botox treatment takes minutes but the results - a soft, wrinkle free pretty face that lasts up to 3-4 months

👩🏾 👨🏽 Benefits of Anti wrinkle :

✨ Prevention of fine lines

✨ Prevention of deep static lines

✨ Slows down the effects of ageing

✨ Softens deep creases on your face.

If you are noticing deep lines on your face, an angry 11 line between your brows or crinkly crows feet around the eyes it’s time to start treating them, don't wait for them to become permanent.

. Get in touch for a consultation with our aesthetic practitioner or to find out more information about this procedure.

Frown lines before and 2 weeks later.

Client testimonial

Client testimonial

To make an appointment, please click here. For everything else, please complete the form below to send us a message.


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